Thursday, August 15, 2013

Luz Mareina Castillo

Luz with her food stand
Luz was born in Sabna Grande Where she grew up with her grandmother.  She completed her education up to her second year of high school, at which point she started working as a housekeeper.  Luz wanted to continue her education but needed to support her family by working. She now has seven children most of which are spread out across Latin America.  However, she still supports the three children who live with her.  

Eight years ago Luz started a stand outside the mayor’s office in El Sauce.  She is there every day of the week selling food such as plantains, enchiladas, chalupas, and frescos. She first became interested in Enlace’s mircroloan program when a friend told her about their low interest rates.  She used her first loan to purchase additional materials and ingredients for her stand and successfully paid it back and is now paying back a second loan.  One of the most valuable skills she learned from her training with Enlace is to always remain professional with her clients and ways to attract new customers.

--Written by Jessica Kroenert and Cameron Houser 

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